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Bariatric Rollator / Heavy Duty Walker With Seat and Wheels

Standard rollators simply don’t provide enough security and stability. Most users must, therefore, look for a bariatric rollator with a seat. Extra wide heavy-duty bariatric walkers with seats can provide much more in terms of security, and they perform just like a regular rolling walker. AvaCare Medical has a full line of these great options! If you are in need of a bariatric rollator with a seat, be sure to check out our inventory and find the best one for you! Read more...

11 Items

Set Descending Direction
  1. Eurostyle Rollator, Purple
    Eurostyle Rollator, Purple
  2. Walkabout Wide 4-Wheel Rollator
    Walkabout Wide 4-Wheel Rollator
    Starting at $157.20
  3. Walkabout 4-Wheel Hemi Rollator
    Walkabout 4-Wheel Hemi Rollator
    Starting at $175.20
  4. Walkabout 4-Wheel Contour Deluxe Rollator
    Walkabout 4-Wheel Contour Deluxe Rollator
    Starting at $163.20
  5. Set n' Go Wide Height Adjustable Rollator
    Set n' Go Wide Height Adjustable Rollator
    Starting at $133.20
  6. Set n' Go Height Adjustable Rollator
    Set n' Go Height Adjustable Rollator
    Starting at $127.20
  7. HybridLX Rollator Transport Chair
    HybridLX Rollator Transport Chair
    Starting at $241.20
  8. Luxe Rollator
    Luxe Rollator
  9. Heavy Duty Bariatric Rollator
    Heavy Duty Bariatric Rollator
    Starting at $177.81
  10. Heavy Duty Rollator
    Out of Stock
  11. Nitro Euro Style Walker Rollator, Heavy Duty, Black
    Out of Stock

11 Items

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What Bariatric Rollators Can Offer

These special heavy duty walkers with seats aren’t like most other rollators. As mentioned earlier, heavy-duty roller walkers offer mobility to heavier users that are above the standard weight capacity of 250 to 300 lbs. Larger people want to have the same great opportunities for increased mobility, and these extra large rollator walkers are meant to be super-tough in order to help aid those that weigh as much as 600 lbs. Whether you need a bariatric rollator that can hold 500 lbs. or 600 lbs., you’ll find it on AvaCare Medical!

Bariatric rolling walkers with seats can give larger users many benefits that rollators generally provide others. Since bariatric rollator walkers with seats are tailored to heavier users, they have a wide array of features. Here are some ways that bariatric users can benefit from using a heavy duty rolling walker:

Lower Joint Relief

Heavier users are constantly having to put extra weight on their lower extremities. This means that larger people frequently suffer from joint pain and other problems, as well as even broken bones in their lower bodies. Using an extra large walker with a seat can allow these users the opportunity for joint relief and will compensate for the loss of mobility due to these conditions. At the same time, users who suffer from obesity frequently have some slight muscle atrophy due to their lack of motion and exercise. That’s where a heavy duty wheeled walker can come into play, to provide some relief and increase exercise for said users.

Increased Balance and Stability

Whether a user chooses to have a bariatric rollator transport chair combo or just a heavy duty 4-wheeled walker with a seat, he can easily have increased balance while walking. Many times, a larger or taller person’s weight is affected when they have issues with mobility, and a rolling walker can fix that. The increased stability that these wheeled walkers can provide offer a bit of balance improvement as well as stability, enabling users to maintain balance. When a larger person falls, especially if they are elderly or handicapped, they can suffer tremendous damage. Having a walker or rollator can help to keep this from happening.

Portable Options and Features

Almost all rollators are foldable. Heavy duty walkers with wheels feature the capability to be folded up in order to minimize space, and since they’re often pretty lightweight (ranging from 18-26 lbs. maximum), they are perfect for bariatric users to use while travelling as well.

Most Bariatric Rollators are Height Adjustable

One good thing about many rollators for bariatric users is that they aren’t just built for heavier people – they are also built with taller people in mind, since they generally weigh more as well. Therefore, it’s important to note that most 4-wheeled heavy duty rollators feature adjustable legs and arm bars in order to accommodate user height.

Helps to Improve Posture

Simply because of their adjustability and portability features, wide rolling walkers operate just like walkers to help improve posture and support users who have trouble walking due to posture issues. When adjusted or fitted properly to the right walker or rollator, a user can generally expect to be able to stand up straighter without slouching, and the added balance and stability, let alone pain relief, can help to increase the posture correction they often need.

Heavy-Duty Rolling Walkers Are Specially Made and Have Additional Features

There are some things that can set apart a heavy duty walker with a seat and wheels. Both frame and weight capacity combine to classify walkers as “heavy-duty.” Here are some things that our heavy-duty walkers with seats and wheels can provide:

Wider Seats

An extra wide heavy-duty rollator walker with a wide seat can benefit people simply because they allow more room for larger people to sit and plenty of room for those who are accustomed to a standard rollator. The seats are often cushioned for maximum comfort and stability as well. Wide seat walkers also usually have a lower seat to make it easier for users to stand up and sit down in them. In order to find the right extra wide walker with a seat, it’s important to consider the width of a user’s hips as well as the weight capacity of the rollator itself. One of our best 22-inch wide seat rollators showcases these seating features.


Since rollators are used primarily for helping patients get around, it’s important that a user is able to take their belongings with them. Many bariatric four wheeled walkers have added storage compartments underneath the seat. Some bariatric 4-wheeled walkers with a seat may even have carrying baskets to allow the user to store belongings. These are perfect for items that have important personal information, since they remain secure and accessible to the user. Many people put their wallets, keys, and more in these compartments. Other 4-wheeled heavy-duty rollators may have additional accessories, such as cup holders to accommodate users carrying a beverage. Many of these accessories can be purchased separately.

Heavy Duty Materials

What really makes a rolling walker with a seat heavy duty is the materials that they are made from (along with all of these other features). From steel to titanium, and even some aluminum models, extra wide bariatric rollators are made with durable metals, as well as harder and thicker plastics, to ensure that they are safe. This will allow people using these rollers to remain more secure than standard ones. The frame designs are equally important in determining what makes a bariatric rollator what it is.

Larger or Stronger Wheels

Many bariatric rollators have wheels that are 8 inches or larger, which is often bigger than standard rollator wheels. This allows larger people to operate on multiple terrains more easily. For most users, this can include rougher terrain than standard rollators.

Additional Backrests

The best heavy duty walkers on the market also feature backrests, which is often just a bar with padding that provides extra support for a user’s back while they’re seated. 

Some Models Have Transport Chair Capabilities

One of the bestselling rollators that we offer is a transport chair combo, which is a rollator that doubles as a transport chair. These combination heavy-duty rollator transport chairs have special features, such as moveable and adjustable footrests, in order to allow the user a true chance to rest, and be transported from one point to another when they are easily fatigued.

At AvaCare Medical, your satisfaction is what makes us happy. If you’re in need of a bariatric rollator, we want to assist you in finding the very best one for your needs. Simply give us a call or send us an email, and we’ll be happy to assist you with your order!