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Folding Walkers With Seat / Folding Rollator Walker

Finding the right folding walkers with seats may be something you are considering, but if you try to simply find a standard walker that serves the same purpose, there are limited options to choose from. Since most walkers actually don’t fold up, a person may benefit more from buying a folding walker with seats and wheels together (also known as a rollator). AvaCare Medical has a large line of lightweight folding rollator walkers with seats for sale from some of the top medical supply brands in America! Read more...

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    Aluminum Rollator with Removable Back Support
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Folding Walkers with Seats Provide Comfort and Stability

One of the great things about foldable walkers for adults is that they offer a lot of the mobility that you could get from having a walker, so much so that it’s almost the same as though you were walking yourself. Many seniors who are able to get around and simply need a little more stability can benefit from collapsible walkers with seats that offer more security. There are also many other benefits that people enjoy, such as the rollator’s ability to provide a place to rest. There are some foldable walkers with wheels, while other models do indeed have seats built-in. This can allow a person using a lightweight folding walker with a seat to fold the seat down and rest their legs when necessary.

Another reason why people choose foldable rollators is the sheer convenience of space-saving abilities that these models can achieve. Fold-up walkers with seats are able to easily be moved into the trunk of a car. This versatility helps achieve the mobility objectives of those who don’t want to sacrifice their traveling goals. 

Tips for Keeping a Folding Walker with a Seat Safer Longer

Maintenance is necessary at some point for almost every walking aid out there. Lightweight foldable walkers with seats are no different. In order to take care of an EZ Fold-n-Go Rollator - or any other foldable rollator walker with a seat- a person needs to consider their own safety at all times. They also need to make sure that they take proper care of their device in order to increase its lifespan.

Proper Handle Adjustment

It’s extremely important that once you get properly measured for your fold-up rollator, you can increase your own safety as well as the life of the collapsible rollator walker by ensuring that the handles are properly adjusted to your natural posture. This will help reduce strain on your body, as well as how much weight you will have to put on the collapsible rollator itself.

You’re Walking the Walker

Some people have problems when it comes to using rollators because they forget that there are wheels to consider. When using these medical devices, users can reduce wear on their own bodies and the walkers themselves by ensuring proper adjustment and use. One should never need to fight with the walker or apply more weight than normal (unless it’s for a medical reason) by walking on the outside of the folding rolling walker.

Don’t Use a Folding Rollator if You Don’t Need One

Lightweight folding walkers for seniors are quite popular among the elderly, but some people actually need other solutions such as electric wheelchairs, walkers, or even power scooters. If a user is in need of a transport chair from time to time, there are wheelchair walker combinations that offer folding capabilities as well, but one needs to remember that folding rollators with seats are meant for users who just need a little more support than a cane. If one needs a more stationary means of mobility, then it may be best that they choose a standard walker. No matter what, though, a mobility device choice should be made based on one’s individual needs and in consultation with the user’s physician.

Walking Too Fast May Cause Problems

One thing to keep in mind is to not test your endurance limits. Users are frequently falling because they walk too fast in their folding mobility walker with a seat. A user can get in a hurry or attempt to push through fatigue and the next thing they know, the walker is slipping or causing them to fall forward. In order to avoid this, use the best practices of walking with the device and walking slowly with them (even if a user can walk faster with a rollator). 

Lock the Wheels When Sitting

Anytime the person is using a folding rolling walker with a seat, they should always lock the wheels during periods of rest. This will enable the lightweight folding rollator with a seat to remain stationary and will keep both the user and the walker safe.

Regularly and Properly Clean and Sanitize Your Walker

If a rollator gets wet from the elements or incontinence events, it should quickly be cleaned and dried. At any rate, every Fold-N-Go walker with a seat needs to be cleaned on a regular basis – about once a week. This can be done easily with mild soap and water on a washcloth. Simply wash and then wipe it dry.

Consider 3-Wheel Options or 4-Wheel Ones

3-wheel walkers can offer the folding capability and they come with a seat. However, one needs to be sure they can handle using these devices. Foldable 4-wheel walkers offer more security and stability than a 3-wheel walker. The important thing to consider is whether a user needs stability and security, or whether he can still be safe enough while being able to maneuver better. Never sacrifice safety for convenience.

The More You Use it, The Better it Works

Some users have a hard time when learning how to comfortably use their fold-up rollator. Keep in mind that the more a person uses their rollator, the easier it will become to maneuver it. As with many products, mastery of a rollator comes with practice. Further, the device may need to be broken into a little bit. So if a person notices that the wheels may be a little stiff or the brakes are touchy, only time and use will fix this.

We truly care about your safety and want to make sure that you find the appropriate model for your comfort and safety needs. We further recommend that you always follow the weight capacity of your rollator in order to achieve the maximum lifespan of your device. Whether you’re looking for a 3 wheel collapsible rollator walker or a foldable 4 wheel walker, we’d love to assist you with your questions and help you find the right folding rollator walker, so don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-877-813-7799 or send us an email anytime!